On Sunday 24 September, everyone will celebrate National Heritage Day and Gather at Langkranz Farm outside Clarens for the Jimny Gathering event to set an official gathering record. The event will be hosted by comedian and proud Jimny owner, Schalk Bezuidenhout, and consist of the official gathering photo opportunity, live music and entertainment, heritage day braai facilities, food stalls, bars (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), and additional fun activities for the whole family.

Jimny Gathering Schedule

10:00 GAtes Open

10:30 Soul Man’s Rhythm & Blues Machine

11:30 Steve Umculo

11:30 Pedro Barbosa

13:15 Schalk Bezuidenhout

14:00 Guinness World Record Attempt

15:00 Hot Water

18:00 Event Closes

Jimny Gathering 2023 Announcement

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About the venue

High in the Maloti Drakensberg Mountains where the southern border of Golden Gate Highlands National Park meets Lesotho, lies Langkranz and below it – Langkranz Farm. This towering pinnacle (~3000 masl.) overlooks one of the most breath-taking, unique, and remote valleys in South Africa where the meandering crystal streams provide substance and life to diverse and unique fauna and flora – making for a wild paradise to anyone lucky enough to find themselves wondering up the little dirt track that provides the valley’s only access.

High in the Maloti Drakensberg Mountains where the southern border of Golden Gate Highlands National Park meets Lesotho, lies Langkranz and below it – Langkranz Farm. This towering pinnacle (~3000 masl.) overlooks one of the most breath-taking, unique, and remote valleys in South Africa where the meandering crystal streams provide substance and life to diverse and unique fauna and flora – making for a wild paradise to anyone lucky enough to find themselves wondering up the little dirt track that provides the valley’s only access.